Saturday, March 25, 2017





       In Filipino or pagbasa at pasusuri we learn that Globalization is the connection of different parts of the world. Globalization results in the enlargement of international cultural, economic, and political activities. As people or students, knowledge, ideas, and goods move more easily around the globe, the experiences of people around the world become more related. We also learn the history of globalization; Globalization has a long history. Ancient Greek culture, for instance, spread across much of South Western Asia, Northern Africa, and Southern Europe. The globalization of Greek culture came with the conqueror Alexander the Great. In fact, there are cities named for Alexander in Iraq (Iskandariya), Egypt (Alexandria), and Turkey (Alexandria Troas). Globalization also sped up dramatically in the twentieth century with the propagation of air travel, the expansion of free trade, and the dawn of the Information Age. Miles of fibber-optic cable now connect the continents, allowing people around the world to communicate instantly through the borderless World Wide Web.


       This subject is the same with research in daily life, it also deals in research, but honestly, this is understandable because of the Filipino language. I’ve many things to learned, especially how to write, bibliography, in APA or even MLA format. I am enjoyed while learning. This subject also gives you understanding on how to create a perfect research. 


This Subject makes us better in the Filipino journey. This is the subjects that teach us in speaking and writing some letter or anything. These subjects also teach us making some paper works.

Friday, March 24, 2017

VALUES are what motivate us.

Values formed in the learner under the guidance of the teacher. 




        In values we learn our goal setting concept. When once young people have had a chance to learn something about their values, skills, and interest, it is time to help them set some goals for themselves. Everyone sets goal in his/her life. Goals are defined by the random house dictionary as achievements or accomplishments towards which our efforts are directed. Whether goals are short- term to be achieved in a day or a week or long term to be achieved in a lifetime, they often provide the framework with which many decisions can be made and further self-knowledge can be gained. These are desirable things for students, yet goal-setting skills can be elusive to some.


In studying values we really need to learn more about good moral because in studying values you need to understand the word “good moral”. Values teaches us on how to become a good person to the other and also to our love ones. We really need to control our self specially our pride because it gives us to be more knowledgeable on how we need to do our self and also what to do in making our self-nice to others so that they will also good in return. 


         Values is Important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable. This is one of the important in every individual. Our values define us. In this subject it molds our self into better one. Because it value our team spirit, trustworthy, being honesty, our freedom, etc.. We can also learn moral attitudes beside in this part, we have so many things to learn, and that is helpful to you. Like self-interest. Aside from that, here you will find yourself. 


        The Values Education is the subject that teaches the student about their personal attitude. This also helps us to be a good people

Physical Education training for life



         In P.E we learn different history, equipment’s, basic skills, and general rules. In triple jump the history on it is first recorded evidence of the event was in the annual Tailteann Games held at Telltown Country Mealt, Scotland from 1829 BCE to 554 BCE and later until 116 CE. It is also famous athlete from the ancient Games was Chionis of Sparta who competed in 664 to 656 BCE was known to achieve distances up to 52 feet or 15.85 meters. The triple jump has a ten equipment’s; first is the four clip boards with pencils, second is foul or fair indicators, third is steel measuring tape, fifth is jump indicator. Next is step indicator, timing lights, wind gauge, clothing, pit and equipment and lastly is triple jump boar.
        The basic skills of triple jump is in order to attain maximum horizontal velocity, it is wise to develop a rhythm on the approach run which contains a speed pattern designed to achieve maximum horizontal velocity at the right time and place in the approach run. The run up is smoothly and progressively accelerated and, during the last few strides, there is a slight lowering of the hips in preparation for the take-off. The triple jumper prepares for take-off by sinking the hips, the hips should not sink artificially and the arm movement must remain constant and at the same rhythm right up to the take-off.
       The general rule of triple jump is the no maker may be placed on runway, but up to two markers alongside runway OK. The unsuccessful attempt is when the jumpers shoe extends over foul line or makes a mark in front of it on the take-off. Competitor’s runs across the foul line or the foul line extended fails to initiate a jump carried to completion within 60 seconds after called up. Jumper, in hopping does not land on the same foot used in take-off, in the process of landing or leaving the pit, touches the ground outside the pit nearer the foul line that the nearest mark made in the landing pit. And in the biggest meets there are usually preliminaries and finals.


In studying PE subject we all known that is all about the physical health. In studying it we need to put our mind that this subject is one of the important because it helps us on how to become a flexible person and good to the other sport. And also give us a knowledge what is right thing to do in our health and have a good discipline in our self.


           MY GUSH! I tell you frankly, PE is what I want. This is what I want! Yes, I LOVE P.E. You know what guys, when I heard P.E as in PHYSICAL EDUCATION my smile just like reaching the sky. This is my happiness, because my confidence, my abilities will out where I can used. PE was very much enjoy, more on activity aside from that there are also discussion happened. I have many also have learned to this subject like the different sports, which I didn’t already know. But now, my knowledge was become wider. Actually, what I have learned is I applied it into reality. I know what we have learned today is will presented at the right time.


          Physical Education is very fun this is the subject that make you feel and beautiful. These subjects teach us in playing some sports game and learn about their Rules and Regulation. 





Regarding in our social science subject that relates on me is the topic about (id, ego and superego). That relationship between id and superego in the unconscious mind that is a psychological a part of a personal unconscious mind that relates to basic needs and desires and the superego a part of a person’s mind that relates to attitude about what is wrong and right and feelings to guilt. The ego is the opinion of that you have about yourself and parts of the mind that senses and adapts to the real world. That’s why I really love this topic because it relates in our selves.


         Social Science tells us about the world beyond our immediate experience, and can help explain how our own society works - from the causes of unemployment or what helps economic growth, to how and why people vote, or what makes people happy. It provides vital information for governments and policymakers, local authorities, non-governmental organizations and others. At the very beginning I still confuse to this topic. Due to lack of ideas that’s why I don’t have understood yet. Until the time goes by, I slowly understand what it is all about. In this subject we tackled the psychoanalytic theory was developed by Sigmund Freud. This is also one of the things that make me complicated. Especially to the three (3) part of psychic apparatus, such as the Id, ego, and superego, these are the way to explain the mind of a human. And so on, and so forth. Also the 9 disciplines of social science.


Social Science teaches us How to be Psychologist. And also teach us in different meaning of Id , Ego and the Super Ego. This also knows the human interest and anything about people.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Keep Calm & Love 21st CENTURY LITERATURE




            In 20st century literature we learn that we have a lot of critical approaches to literature. The formalist criticism, biographical criticism, historical criticism, gender criticism, psychological criticism, sociological criticism, mythological criticism, readers-response criticism and lastly is deconstructionist criticism. Formalist criticism is regards literature as a unique form of human knowledge that needs to examine on its own terms. Biographical criticism is begins with the simple but central insight that literature is written by actual people and that understanding an author’s life can help readers more thoroughly comprehend the work. Historical criticism is seeks to understand a literacy work by investigating the social, cultural, and intellectual context. Gender criticism is examines how sexual identity influence the creation and reception of literacy works.
            Psychological criticism is reflects the effect that modern psychology has had upon both literature and literacy criticism. Sociological criticism is examines literature in the culture, economic and political context in which it is written or received, exploring the relationships between the artist and society. Mythological criticism is emphasizes the recurrent universal patterns underlying most literacy works. Readers-response criticism is take as a fundamental tenet that literature exists not as an arte fact upon a 


21st Century literature give us more knowledge and idea about what is happening in our past. And also studying in literature that we really don’t know what is happening in our ancient. In regards literature as a unique form of human knowledge that needs to be examine on its own terms and by examine how sexual identity influences the creation and reception of literacy work.


         As we all know 21st century literature it refers to the world literature in prose produce during the 21st century.  There are many kind of topic that we must learn in this subject like figures of speech, in this particular topic is one of my favorite, because it easy for me to understand. Especially, the third world geography, has the most memorable when we do an acting as a class, I really understood the story. I’ve never forgotten the story of the home of the ashfall by John Wigly. Moreover, the prose and poetry. 


         21st century literature so nice subject we all know about anything like making poem or how to make it. We also know the different author of that poem. Literatures teach us many more about it. 

ICT is fun to LEARN




              In E- tech or ICT we learn that when creating a webpage is the creating a work of art. There are certain things that you need to consider in order to get your message across. They have basic principles of graphics and layout; first is balance the visual weight of objects, texture, colors, and space is evenly distributed on the screen. Second is the emphasis an area in the design that may appear different in size, texture, shape, or color to attract the viewer’s attention. Third is movement visual elements guide the viewer’s eyes around the screen; fourth is pattern, repetition, rhythm these are the reading visual element or image or layout to create unity in the layout on image. Rhythm is achieved when visual elements create a scene of organized movement. Fifth is the proportion visual elements create a sense of unity where they relate well with one another; sixth is variety these uses several design elements to draw viewer’s attention.


        Honestly, I really like this subject, because I have many, many things that I have learned. And because of this I have many accounts in the different websites and I’m so lucky to have it, through that I can explore in any websites. But aside from that I already know how to operate or to use the sites where I can go. This Subject has a big influenced to me. Furthermore, this has a really helpful in our daily life, because we can communicate with other people in abroad or your family that was in the outside world, by the used of any gadgets. We can use this when we have business, if when you are dealing something to the other company. Moreover, in this subject I have learned how to make a mail merge, PowerPoint, excel and everything. 


I love doing computer works, so that ICT is very nice and good subject. These subject teach us in making some online pages. And also improve our skills in Computer literature.





               In statistics and probability we learn the different kinds of random sampling. First is the sample random sampling in every member of the population has an equal chance of being chosen to be part of the sample. Second is the systematic sampling is a random sampling techniques in which every k elements of population is selected until the desired number of elements in the sample obtained. The value of k is calculated by dividing the number of elements in the population by the number of elements in the desired sample. The value of k is sampling interval. Third is stratified sampling is a random sampling technique in which the population is first divided into strata and then samples are randomly selected separately from each stratum.
               Last is the cluster area sampling is a random technique in which the entire population is broken into groups, or clusters, and then same of the clusters are randomly selected are the ones that are analyzed. They are three steps in solving this random sampling; first step is dividing the population into clusters use barbs as clusters. Second step is not all the barrios of the town will be included in the sample choose the final barrios of using either the sampling or a systematic sampling technique. Third is not all the families in each selected barrios will be included in the study select the final families to be included in the sample random sampling or systematic sampling technique.


In studying statistics and probability we all known that studying Math is not easy and you are always solving in math but I’ll try my best to engage myself to solve the problem because the more that you learned in math and participating one of my achievements in life. In math there are different topics and I consider it a mother of subject because it is one of the hardest subject for me.


          While learning this subject, I am enjoying because instead of I get difficulties I pretend it just like a game. So that I don’t get stress, it’s hard. If you don’t know the answer you failed and start again. I believe in the saying that “try and try, until you succeed” in order for you to get the correct answer. Statistic and probability is so much fun to learn. Despite the fact that its hard but at the end you can do it. 


For me this is the very hard subject but now i realize that it is easy when you are learning or focusing in your study. Math now give me chance to make my own problem. So math is fun. 

Physical Science (blogging photos)

Physical Science it is the study of the organic world. Moreover, is the province of biological though of a consisting of four broad areas: astronomy, physics, chemistry, and the earth science.




                  Our reflection in physical science we learn that we have first, second and third law of motion. First is the newton’s law of motion is often stated as; an object at rest tends to say at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless added upon by external net force. Second law of motion is the law of acceleration if an external, unbalanced force is required to produce a change in velocity, then an external, unbalanced force causes an acceleration. The acceleration produced by unbalanced force acting on an object (or mass) is directly proportional to the magnitude of the force (a COF) and in the direction of the force. The acceleration of an object being acted on by an unbalanced force is inversely proportional to the mass of the object (a CO1/m).
                  We learn that third law of motion the law of interaction is for every action there is on equal opposite reaction. This explains that a force is due to an interaction between two objects. One object serves as the source of action force and the other acts as a source of the reacting force. Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first object. Forces always come in pairs, one is the action while the other is the reaction.


                   In the studying the science subject we have a lot of topics that we discussed and by listening we have a new learning like: The Biological macromolecules the Sir Necesario discussed it and also the Galilean and Aristotle motion that have a vertical motion and horizontal motion that give us idea on what is really conducting about it.


                In this subject, honestly at first I can’t understand what my teacher says in front. Maybe he is too fast in discussing but as the day pass by I tried to catch up the entire lesson, and I’m trying to understand it, so that I could learn from his lesson. However, I’ve learned something. Many things t learn in this subject. These subjects give us additional knowledge about our planet. 


We all know that Science is very interesting subject because it is more on experiment. Physics is all about Neutron, Proton , Electron , etc. And something that we could theory. Science is Fun and amazing.

Reading & Writing Skills (blogging photos)

In Reading & Writing Skills it enhance your understanding comprehension. mechanical or grammatical principles. Students must learn to write with proper grammar and originality and to read at a level comprehension.




            Our reflection on reading and writing skills is all about requirements or rather letters and how we can apply a job. In reading and writing skills we wrote five letters that the applicant should have when applying a job. Before the applicant hire on the company first they should undergo in the job interview. Then after that they should wait for the result of their interview if they are hired or not on that company that they applied. When we applying a job we should always remember that we should have a confidence and capability to face the manager or rather the boss.
             The first letter that the applicant should pass is the college application letter. College application letter is seems about on applying in any university and it is also stated any kind of courses or strands that we want to choose. The second is cover letter it is a one page of document that should attached to the resume and it is also gives a summary of the resume that we submit to the employers. The third is the memorandum it concise messages which are very significant to the flow of information within any professional organization or schools clubs.
             The fourth is the request letter it is a letter asking for information about products or services offered by a certain business. And the request must be straight forward specific. The last is the resume it is a personalized of your personal background, trainings, abilities, and skills. It will show your potential employer if you are fit for a certain position that you are applying for. And the following are the things to remember when making a resume


In studying the RWS about the different topics we have to focus it in the last topic and it is all about making a letter for our job interview. In making a letter for our interview we have to write five letter which is resume, cover letter, request letter, memorandum, college application letter in making this we have different steps on how to make it well and the format of the letter and the grammar that we put it on your letter.


     I’ve learned a lot of things in this subject. In addition, it enhanced my reading comprehension and it gives me an additional knowledge. It developed my vocabulary skills etc.. this subject, left a trace in my mind. You can also learn how to write a college application letter, memorandum letter, request letter, cover letter and the resume. In this subject also remind us that instead of using technology, it is better to read and write. Through this it improves your writing skills and also you’re reading skills. 


            Reading & Writing subject is very important to us as a student because this is the way that we can learn how to make letter or write it or something about this subject. This is always the way we can learn about language. This subject talks about Readers read texts and writers write text. That is reading and writing.

Physical Science Reflection (Poem)


Since the start of second semester
nobody want to surrender
because this subject is part of our life
that we must to accept with a big smile.

We know that Physical Science is not easy
but the only solution is to study
the lesson that our teacher teach us
write, listen and participate to the class.

Motion, elements, and model of the Universe
are some of the lesson in our course
we must understand the importance of this
to appreciate our own surroundings

Grade 11 is nothing without science
because it let us to share our ideas
in terms of scientific  studies and methods
that environment contains.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Reading and Writing Skills Reflection (Drawing)

Reading and Writing are very important in school, on the job and in society, Moreover, you can learn to use language to express your feelings and communicate with others. 

Research in Daily Life Reflection (Drawing)

Research is the process to discover new knowledge, it is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict and control the observed phenomenon. In addition, research is a good tool for knowledge absorption.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Research is Creating new Knowledge (blogging Photos)

- A Research is an academic work in where we are able to seek an answer to a certain problem.

We are having fun while doing our research. Even if we are tired we choose to enjoy in making our research because for us research is part of our life.




              In research subject there was the importance of research in our daily life that we should consider. First is ask a question that no one has asked for, second is do something to find answers to a question. Lastly is to communicate the generated knowledge to a specific audience. Research is imitated when one wants to investigate something that requires answers or validates any educated guess. It is systematically done, involving design, collection, analysis and interpretation of data or texts.
              In research they also have a characteristic of research. First is it starts with a question or problem, second is it needs clear articulation of goals. Third is it requires specific plan for proceeding, forth is it divides the principal problem into more manageable sub problems. Fifth it is guided by the specific research problem, questions, or hypothesis, sixth is it accept certain critical assumptions. Next is it requires the collection and interpretation of data in an attempt to resolve the problem that initiated the research. Last is its nature, it is cynical ( cycle ) or more exactly helical.


In studying the research we conducted the different topics about research. But theres one thing that we will focus it is about the research format. While where making a research format we conclude the topics about PDA (Public Display of Affection) that some people engage it. Where studying also their perception about engaging the PDA and studying about why they using condom what is the purpose why they using it.


          From the very beginning, as I heard this subject it gives me astonishment. Research in daily life it talks about investigates something that requires answers or validates any educated guess. Aside from that, it is systematically done, involving design, collection, analysis and interpretation of data or text. However, I’ve many learned in this particular subject. Moreover, I’m so very happy when we are dealing research because aside from gaining more knowledge, you can know how to make it. I know this subject is never been easy when making it, but we must learn about it, either we like it or not. Because when we are now in college, we will be dealing again research. Even it’s too early, we must practice so that when the time had come it is now easy for us to do a research paper because you has enough knowledge about research. 


             Research is initiated or the way to do or to know what we want to investigate something. This is the way to have a solution on your problem. It is systematically done involving design, collection, analysis and interpretation. It is always help us to know the solution in any kind of problem. Research is very important know a day’s because it is very helpful to us as a student. 


Honestly I can say that studying information computer technology or ICT is not informal to learn. Because there some process that you have you have to encounter before you cope up the procedures when we started to discussed our discussion at first I felt confused. Its difficult for me to catch up the lesson like my mind was turned into emptiness. That’s why I don’t have enough energy to listen anymore. And I hate this feeling like an idiot or having no idea, something its sounds like duh. Anyways this lesson doesn’t make me feel bored however there’s one time that I found interesting to this subject. Because I promised to myself, that I really try to help- myself to give more time to understand what the teacher discussed in front of us. At least I can get learning’s from it when I proceed to grade 12. And I realized also that this would be useful to me as a student or as a former teacher someday. As we all know learning computer is important because we can use this in the future in terms of our business etc. in order for us to expound our communication when we are dealing something. When the time passed by I learned to love this subject, until I have learned a lots. Did you know that because of this subject I have now many accounts in the different websites? In addition for that, for me it was a big event happened in my life that I already know how to explore and to use the computer properly and I will not be afraid to click or to open other website.

In the first lesson that our expert teacher discuss to us, he totally explains the meaning of ICT. Also he include the importance of ICT in especially to those companies who found their business  through  using technologies .This discussion aim to understand how ICT helps our economy to grow, it is part of the daily life. Whom some of us get livelihood through online business. As we go along with our lesson, I’ve learned that several internal companies dub the Philippines as the” ICT Hub of Asia”, it means that our country is the place of ICT, hub means “place”. In our modern times today, ICT have its huge growth of related job around our country, one of the works that is very familiar to us in the call center or BPO (Business Processing Outsourcing) Centers. This kind of work in our country is very rampant to us; especially that this business were totally use technologies. I.T industries shares 19.3% of the total employment population which helps the people to have stable job that may help them to sustain their needs, this information comes from the annual survey Philippines Business and Industry NSO in 2016.

 Internet in our present generation has been very important to us, especially in doing our project and to easily finish our works. Web 1.0 is the web pages that cannot be manipulated by the user. T is called as static web page or also known as flat pages or stationary pages. Dynamic Pages is the web page that the users were able to manipulate copy or even share and comment. Dynamic web pages or web 2.0 is the evolution of web 1.0, web 2.0 is a term coined by Darcy Di Nucci on January 1999. There are 6 features of web 2.0, folksonomy allows users to categorize or even arrange information, rich user experience this feature is responsive to users, user participation it is a diverse information share through universal web access. The semantic web or web 3.0 is the easiest way to find the information that the user want to get the term was coined by the invention of www, Tim Berners-Lee. World Wide Web Consortium or W3C encourages web developers to include semantic content in their web pages hence web 3.0 is not fully realized because of the problems this are compatibility security vastness, vagueness and logic.

Empowerment technologies are it talks about the world wide web , that the Philippines is the hub of Asia , more on teenagers today , are facing technologies. There are different web pages that had been created. This webpage is cannot be manipulate, and can’t search any links. This web 1.0 is the first world wide web that had been made. The second web that the people created is web 2.0. This webpage can manipulate, and can search a folder. The web 3.0 is what we are using nowadays. This web can search a links, and can manipulate. This is a new invention for today’s generation, so that we can easily do whatever we wanted to. Web 3.0 is the way in where we can research and access the site or page easily. A trend in ICT, convergence is the technological advancement to work similar goal. Second is the social media it is a website that enables user to create. Social media have its 6 types social networks that allow users to connect, bookmaking sites allow user to store, social news allow users to post their own news, media sharing allow us to upload, micro blogging this are the sites that focuses on short updates, blogs and forums this sites allow users to put their own content. Knowing the trends in ICT is very important, for us to be aware and allocate most of our works because of its easiest way in accessing such sites and to save or store my files in a fast and accessible way. This web 3.0 is a big advantage especially in doing document to such ways that the owner were easily finish the document that he wanted to be done.

The information and computer technologies (ICT) program prepares students for successful careers in the very dynamic field of information technology (IT). It can also help the students like me on how to use any kind of gadgets because sometimes we use computer on our thesis, research etc. ICT students learn both theoretical and applied strategies in the design, deployment, security, and troubleshooting of computer networks in small, medium, and large organizations. Students in Rasay also use mail merge on how to create mail merge and also power point because our teacher teach us everything about in computer. Students gain valuable hands on experiences in our state of the art laboratories, as well when our teachers give us a task or project that there’s connection on the computer. In this subject many students and also other people integrate industry standard curriculum, heterogeneous internet working technologies, operating systems, and cloud technologies from leading companies. This subject is very useful because it can help many people to gain and enhance their knowledge when it comes on technologies.