Monday, March 13, 2017

Research is Creating new Knowledge (blogging Photos)

- A Research is an academic work in where we are able to seek an answer to a certain problem.

We are having fun while doing our research. Even if we are tired we choose to enjoy in making our research because for us research is part of our life.




              In research subject there was the importance of research in our daily life that we should consider. First is ask a question that no one has asked for, second is do something to find answers to a question. Lastly is to communicate the generated knowledge to a specific audience. Research is imitated when one wants to investigate something that requires answers or validates any educated guess. It is systematically done, involving design, collection, analysis and interpretation of data or texts.
              In research they also have a characteristic of research. First is it starts with a question or problem, second is it needs clear articulation of goals. Third is it requires specific plan for proceeding, forth is it divides the principal problem into more manageable sub problems. Fifth it is guided by the specific research problem, questions, or hypothesis, sixth is it accept certain critical assumptions. Next is it requires the collection and interpretation of data in an attempt to resolve the problem that initiated the research. Last is its nature, it is cynical ( cycle ) or more exactly helical.


In studying the research we conducted the different topics about research. But theres one thing that we will focus it is about the research format. While where making a research format we conclude the topics about PDA (Public Display of Affection) that some people engage it. Where studying also their perception about engaging the PDA and studying about why they using condom what is the purpose why they using it.


          From the very beginning, as I heard this subject it gives me astonishment. Research in daily life it talks about investigates something that requires answers or validates any educated guess. Aside from that, it is systematically done, involving design, collection, analysis and interpretation of data or text. However, I’ve many learned in this particular subject. Moreover, I’m so very happy when we are dealing research because aside from gaining more knowledge, you can know how to make it. I know this subject is never been easy when making it, but we must learn about it, either we like it or not. Because when we are now in college, we will be dealing again research. Even it’s too early, we must practice so that when the time had come it is now easy for us to do a research paper because you has enough knowledge about research. 


             Research is initiated or the way to do or to know what we want to investigate something. This is the way to have a solution on your problem. It is systematically done involving design, collection, analysis and interpretation. It is always help us to know the solution in any kind of problem. Research is very important know a day’s because it is very helpful to us as a student. 

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