Friday, March 24, 2017

VALUES are what motivate us.

Values formed in the learner under the guidance of the teacher. 




        In values we learn our goal setting concept. When once young people have had a chance to learn something about their values, skills, and interest, it is time to help them set some goals for themselves. Everyone sets goal in his/her life. Goals are defined by the random house dictionary as achievements or accomplishments towards which our efforts are directed. Whether goals are short- term to be achieved in a day or a week or long term to be achieved in a lifetime, they often provide the framework with which many decisions can be made and further self-knowledge can be gained. These are desirable things for students, yet goal-setting skills can be elusive to some.


In studying values we really need to learn more about good moral because in studying values you need to understand the word “good moral”. Values teaches us on how to become a good person to the other and also to our love ones. We really need to control our self specially our pride because it gives us to be more knowledgeable on how we need to do our self and also what to do in making our self-nice to others so that they will also good in return. 


         Values is Important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the members of a culture about what is good or bad and desirable or undesirable. This is one of the important in every individual. Our values define us. In this subject it molds our self into better one. Because it value our team spirit, trustworthy, being honesty, our freedom, etc.. We can also learn moral attitudes beside in this part, we have so many things to learn, and that is helpful to you. Like self-interest. Aside from that, here you will find yourself. 


        The Values Education is the subject that teaches the student about their personal attitude. This also helps us to be a good people

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