Monday, March 13, 2017


Honestly I can say that studying information computer technology or ICT is not informal to learn. Because there some process that you have you have to encounter before you cope up the procedures when we started to discussed our discussion at first I felt confused. Its difficult for me to catch up the lesson like my mind was turned into emptiness. That’s why I don’t have enough energy to listen anymore. And I hate this feeling like an idiot or having no idea, something its sounds like duh. Anyways this lesson doesn’t make me feel bored however there’s one time that I found interesting to this subject. Because I promised to myself, that I really try to help- myself to give more time to understand what the teacher discussed in front of us. At least I can get learning’s from it when I proceed to grade 12. And I realized also that this would be useful to me as a student or as a former teacher someday. As we all know learning computer is important because we can use this in the future in terms of our business etc. in order for us to expound our communication when we are dealing something. When the time passed by I learned to love this subject, until I have learned a lots. Did you know that because of this subject I have now many accounts in the different websites? In addition for that, for me it was a big event happened in my life that I already know how to explore and to use the computer properly and I will not be afraid to click or to open other website.

In the first lesson that our expert teacher discuss to us, he totally explains the meaning of ICT. Also he include the importance of ICT in especially to those companies who found their business  through  using technologies .This discussion aim to understand how ICT helps our economy to grow, it is part of the daily life. Whom some of us get livelihood through online business. As we go along with our lesson, I’ve learned that several internal companies dub the Philippines as the” ICT Hub of Asia”, it means that our country is the place of ICT, hub means “place”. In our modern times today, ICT have its huge growth of related job around our country, one of the works that is very familiar to us in the call center or BPO (Business Processing Outsourcing) Centers. This kind of work in our country is very rampant to us; especially that this business were totally use technologies. I.T industries shares 19.3% of the total employment population which helps the people to have stable job that may help them to sustain their needs, this information comes from the annual survey Philippines Business and Industry NSO in 2016.

 Internet in our present generation has been very important to us, especially in doing our project and to easily finish our works. Web 1.0 is the web pages that cannot be manipulated by the user. T is called as static web page or also known as flat pages or stationary pages. Dynamic Pages is the web page that the users were able to manipulate copy or even share and comment. Dynamic web pages or web 2.0 is the evolution of web 1.0, web 2.0 is a term coined by Darcy Di Nucci on January 1999. There are 6 features of web 2.0, folksonomy allows users to categorize or even arrange information, rich user experience this feature is responsive to users, user participation it is a diverse information share through universal web access. The semantic web or web 3.0 is the easiest way to find the information that the user want to get the term was coined by the invention of www, Tim Berners-Lee. World Wide Web Consortium or W3C encourages web developers to include semantic content in their web pages hence web 3.0 is not fully realized because of the problems this are compatibility security vastness, vagueness and logic.

Empowerment technologies are it talks about the world wide web , that the Philippines is the hub of Asia , more on teenagers today , are facing technologies. There are different web pages that had been created. This webpage is cannot be manipulate, and can’t search any links. This web 1.0 is the first world wide web that had been made. The second web that the people created is web 2.0. This webpage can manipulate, and can search a folder. The web 3.0 is what we are using nowadays. This web can search a links, and can manipulate. This is a new invention for today’s generation, so that we can easily do whatever we wanted to. Web 3.0 is the way in where we can research and access the site or page easily. A trend in ICT, convergence is the technological advancement to work similar goal. Second is the social media it is a website that enables user to create. Social media have its 6 types social networks that allow users to connect, bookmaking sites allow user to store, social news allow users to post their own news, media sharing allow us to upload, micro blogging this are the sites that focuses on short updates, blogs and forums this sites allow users to put their own content. Knowing the trends in ICT is very important, for us to be aware and allocate most of our works because of its easiest way in accessing such sites and to save or store my files in a fast and accessible way. This web 3.0 is a big advantage especially in doing document to such ways that the owner were easily finish the document that he wanted to be done.

The information and computer technologies (ICT) program prepares students for successful careers in the very dynamic field of information technology (IT). It can also help the students like me on how to use any kind of gadgets because sometimes we use computer on our thesis, research etc. ICT students learn both theoretical and applied strategies in the design, deployment, security, and troubleshooting of computer networks in small, medium, and large organizations. Students in Rasay also use mail merge on how to create mail merge and also power point because our teacher teach us everything about in computer. Students gain valuable hands on experiences in our state of the art laboratories, as well when our teachers give us a task or project that there’s connection on the computer. In this subject many students and also other people integrate industry standard curriculum, heterogeneous internet working technologies, operating systems, and cloud technologies from leading companies. This subject is very useful because it can help many people to gain and enhance their knowledge when it comes on technologies.  

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