Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Physical Science (blogging photos)

Physical Science it is the study of the organic world. Moreover, is the province of biological though of a consisting of four broad areas: astronomy, physics, chemistry, and the earth science.




                  Our reflection in physical science we learn that we have first, second and third law of motion. First is the newton’s law of motion is often stated as; an object at rest tends to say at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless added upon by external net force. Second law of motion is the law of acceleration if an external, unbalanced force is required to produce a change in velocity, then an external, unbalanced force causes an acceleration. The acceleration produced by unbalanced force acting on an object (or mass) is directly proportional to the magnitude of the force (a COF) and in the direction of the force. The acceleration of an object being acted on by an unbalanced force is inversely proportional to the mass of the object (a CO1/m).
                  We learn that third law of motion the law of interaction is for every action there is on equal opposite reaction. This explains that a force is due to an interaction between two objects. One object serves as the source of action force and the other acts as a source of the reacting force. Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first object. Forces always come in pairs, one is the action while the other is the reaction.


                   In the studying the science subject we have a lot of topics that we discussed and by listening we have a new learning like: The Biological macromolecules the Sir Necesario discussed it and also the Galilean and Aristotle motion that have a vertical motion and horizontal motion that give us idea on what is really conducting about it.


                In this subject, honestly at first I can’t understand what my teacher says in front. Maybe he is too fast in discussing but as the day pass by I tried to catch up the entire lesson, and I’m trying to understand it, so that I could learn from his lesson. However, I’ve learned something. Many things t learn in this subject. These subjects give us additional knowledge about our planet. 


We all know that Science is very interesting subject because it is more on experiment. Physics is all about Neutron, Proton , Electron , etc. And something that we could theory. Science is Fun and amazing.

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