Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Keep Calm & Love 21st CENTURY LITERATURE




            In 20st century literature we learn that we have a lot of critical approaches to literature. The formalist criticism, biographical criticism, historical criticism, gender criticism, psychological criticism, sociological criticism, mythological criticism, readers-response criticism and lastly is deconstructionist criticism. Formalist criticism is regards literature as a unique form of human knowledge that needs to examine on its own terms. Biographical criticism is begins with the simple but central insight that literature is written by actual people and that understanding an author’s life can help readers more thoroughly comprehend the work. Historical criticism is seeks to understand a literacy work by investigating the social, cultural, and intellectual context. Gender criticism is examines how sexual identity influence the creation and reception of literacy works.
            Psychological criticism is reflects the effect that modern psychology has had upon both literature and literacy criticism. Sociological criticism is examines literature in the culture, economic and political context in which it is written or received, exploring the relationships between the artist and society. Mythological criticism is emphasizes the recurrent universal patterns underlying most literacy works. Readers-response criticism is take as a fundamental tenet that literature exists not as an arte fact upon a 


21st Century literature give us more knowledge and idea about what is happening in our past. And also studying in literature that we really don’t know what is happening in our ancient. In regards literature as a unique form of human knowledge that needs to be examine on its own terms and by examine how sexual identity influences the creation and reception of literacy work.


         As we all know 21st century literature it refers to the world literature in prose produce during the 21st century.  There are many kind of topic that we must learn in this subject like figures of speech, in this particular topic is one of my favorite, because it easy for me to understand. Especially, the third world geography, has the most memorable when we do an acting as a class, I really understood the story. I’ve never forgotten the story of the home of the ashfall by John Wigly. Moreover, the prose and poetry. 


         21st century literature so nice subject we all know about anything like making poem or how to make it. We also know the different author of that poem. Literatures teach us many more about it. 

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