Tuesday, March 21, 2017





               In statistics and probability we learn the different kinds of random sampling. First is the sample random sampling in every member of the population has an equal chance of being chosen to be part of the sample. Second is the systematic sampling is a random sampling techniques in which every k elements of population is selected until the desired number of elements in the sample obtained. The value of k is calculated by dividing the number of elements in the population by the number of elements in the desired sample. The value of k is sampling interval. Third is stratified sampling is a random sampling technique in which the population is first divided into strata and then samples are randomly selected separately from each stratum.
               Last is the cluster area sampling is a random technique in which the entire population is broken into groups, or clusters, and then same of the clusters are randomly selected are the ones that are analyzed. They are three steps in solving this random sampling; first step is dividing the population into clusters use barbs as clusters. Second step is not all the barrios of the town will be included in the sample choose the final barrios of using either the sampling or a systematic sampling technique. Third is not all the families in each selected barrios will be included in the study select the final families to be included in the sample random sampling or systematic sampling technique.


In studying statistics and probability we all known that studying Math is not easy and you are always solving in math but I’ll try my best to engage myself to solve the problem because the more that you learned in math and participating one of my achievements in life. In math there are different topics and I consider it a mother of subject because it is one of the hardest subject for me.


          While learning this subject, I am enjoying because instead of I get difficulties I pretend it just like a game. So that I don’t get stress, it’s hard. If you don’t know the answer you failed and start again. I believe in the saying that “try and try, until you succeed” in order for you to get the correct answer. Statistic and probability is so much fun to learn. Despite the fact that its hard but at the end you can do it. 


For me this is the very hard subject but now i realize that it is easy when you are learning or focusing in your study. Math now give me chance to make my own problem. So math is fun. 

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