Friday, March 24, 2017





Regarding in our social science subject that relates on me is the topic about (id, ego and superego). That relationship between id and superego in the unconscious mind that is a psychological a part of a personal unconscious mind that relates to basic needs and desires and the superego a part of a person’s mind that relates to attitude about what is wrong and right and feelings to guilt. The ego is the opinion of that you have about yourself and parts of the mind that senses and adapts to the real world. That’s why I really love this topic because it relates in our selves.


         Social Science tells us about the world beyond our immediate experience, and can help explain how our own society works - from the causes of unemployment or what helps economic growth, to how and why people vote, or what makes people happy. It provides vital information for governments and policymakers, local authorities, non-governmental organizations and others. At the very beginning I still confuse to this topic. Due to lack of ideas that’s why I don’t have understood yet. Until the time goes by, I slowly understand what it is all about. In this subject we tackled the psychoanalytic theory was developed by Sigmund Freud. This is also one of the things that make me complicated. Especially to the three (3) part of psychic apparatus, such as the Id, ego, and superego, these are the way to explain the mind of a human. And so on, and so forth. Also the 9 disciplines of social science.


Social Science teaches us How to be Psychologist. And also teach us in different meaning of Id , Ego and the Super Ego. This also knows the human interest and anything about people.

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