Friday, March 24, 2017

Physical Education training for life



         In P.E we learn different history, equipment’s, basic skills, and general rules. In triple jump the history on it is first recorded evidence of the event was in the annual Tailteann Games held at Telltown Country Mealt, Scotland from 1829 BCE to 554 BCE and later until 116 CE. It is also famous athlete from the ancient Games was Chionis of Sparta who competed in 664 to 656 BCE was known to achieve distances up to 52 feet or 15.85 meters. The triple jump has a ten equipment’s; first is the four clip boards with pencils, second is foul or fair indicators, third is steel measuring tape, fifth is jump indicator. Next is step indicator, timing lights, wind gauge, clothing, pit and equipment and lastly is triple jump boar.
        The basic skills of triple jump is in order to attain maximum horizontal velocity, it is wise to develop a rhythm on the approach run which contains a speed pattern designed to achieve maximum horizontal velocity at the right time and place in the approach run. The run up is smoothly and progressively accelerated and, during the last few strides, there is a slight lowering of the hips in preparation for the take-off. The triple jumper prepares for take-off by sinking the hips, the hips should not sink artificially and the arm movement must remain constant and at the same rhythm right up to the take-off.
       The general rule of triple jump is the no maker may be placed on runway, but up to two markers alongside runway OK. The unsuccessful attempt is when the jumpers shoe extends over foul line or makes a mark in front of it on the take-off. Competitor’s runs across the foul line or the foul line extended fails to initiate a jump carried to completion within 60 seconds after called up. Jumper, in hopping does not land on the same foot used in take-off, in the process of landing or leaving the pit, touches the ground outside the pit nearer the foul line that the nearest mark made in the landing pit. And in the biggest meets there are usually preliminaries and finals.


In studying PE subject we all known that is all about the physical health. In studying it we need to put our mind that this subject is one of the important because it helps us on how to become a flexible person and good to the other sport. And also give us a knowledge what is right thing to do in our health and have a good discipline in our self.


           MY GUSH! I tell you frankly, PE is what I want. This is what I want! Yes, I LOVE P.E. You know what guys, when I heard P.E as in PHYSICAL EDUCATION my smile just like reaching the sky. This is my happiness, because my confidence, my abilities will out where I can used. PE was very much enjoy, more on activity aside from that there are also discussion happened. I have many also have learned to this subject like the different sports, which I didn’t already know. But now, my knowledge was become wider. Actually, what I have learned is I applied it into reality. I know what we have learned today is will presented at the right time.


          Physical Education is very fun this is the subject that make you feel and beautiful. These subjects teach us in playing some sports game and learn about their Rules and Regulation. 

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