Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Reading & Writing Skills (blogging photos)

In Reading & Writing Skills it enhance your understanding comprehension. mechanical or grammatical principles. Students must learn to write with proper grammar and originality and to read at a level comprehension.




            Our reflection on reading and writing skills is all about requirements or rather letters and how we can apply a job. In reading and writing skills we wrote five letters that the applicant should have when applying a job. Before the applicant hire on the company first they should undergo in the job interview. Then after that they should wait for the result of their interview if they are hired or not on that company that they applied. When we applying a job we should always remember that we should have a confidence and capability to face the manager or rather the boss.
             The first letter that the applicant should pass is the college application letter. College application letter is seems about on applying in any university and it is also stated any kind of courses or strands that we want to choose. The second is cover letter it is a one page of document that should attached to the resume and it is also gives a summary of the resume that we submit to the employers. The third is the memorandum it concise messages which are very significant to the flow of information within any professional organization or schools clubs.
             The fourth is the request letter it is a letter asking for information about products or services offered by a certain business. And the request must be straight forward specific. The last is the resume it is a personalized of your personal background, trainings, abilities, and skills. It will show your potential employer if you are fit for a certain position that you are applying for. And the following are the things to remember when making a resume


In studying the RWS about the different topics we have to focus it in the last topic and it is all about making a letter for our job interview. In making a letter for our interview we have to write five letter which is resume, cover letter, request letter, memorandum, college application letter in making this we have different steps on how to make it well and the format of the letter and the grammar that we put it on your letter.


     I’ve learned a lot of things in this subject. In addition, it enhanced my reading comprehension and it gives me an additional knowledge. It developed my vocabulary skills etc.. this subject, left a trace in my mind. You can also learn how to write a college application letter, memorandum letter, request letter, cover letter and the resume. In this subject also remind us that instead of using technology, it is better to read and write. Through this it improves your writing skills and also you’re reading skills. 


            Reading & Writing subject is very important to us as a student because this is the way that we can learn how to make letter or write it or something about this subject. This is always the way we can learn about language. This subject talks about Readers read texts and writers write text. That is reading and writing.

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